Friday, March 20, 2020

Athens vs. History essays

Athens vs. History essays Athens and Sparta being both of Greek origin they shared many tings in common. However they also had their differences. We will see how Athens promoted education while Sparta adopted a military way of life. As well as what key points they both shared. Sparta and Athens governments were similar in some ways but for the most part were quite different. Athens had a president that was chosen daily. They had a council made up of 500 citizens that were chosen randomly and served a term of one year. This was the first civilization we see to have a crude type of democracy. Sparta on the other hand was an oligarchy. Their government was made up two kings. Five Ephors or officials that were chosen selectively to run many aspects of daily life. They had a council of citizens that could voice their concerns on certain matters. Both however shared in common a council of citizens. The rights of people in the two city-states differed as well. In Athens the people valued education. Many of the families that could afford it sent their sons to school. The girls received little if any education. Women were seen as being inferior to men and had no other parts in life than to take care of the house and produce children. Men on the other hand had a lot of freedom and could do many things. At age 30 many of the men were put on the assembly to help with the government. Sparta had more of an equal view on women. Sparta encouraged its women to exercise regularly. This was thought to help bring strong offspring. As soon as the boys were old enough they begun military training. They served in the military until they had done 30 yrs. Then they could move on to do whatever they felt. However they still had to come back and eat at the military barracks as a way to keep them connected to the army. Many of the men after this got to serve on the council. However both sadly deem ed women to be lower than men. ...

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