Saturday, November 2, 2019

Outsourcing of US Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Outsourcing of US Jobs - Essay Example omotes efficiency and cost reduction so companies can maintain their competitiveness, sending American jobs overseas hurts America because our economy depends on jobs at all levels in order to continue functioning. The economy is suffering from this practice and it will continue to do so because Americans are forced to compete for jobs at pay levels well below the standard of living. The secondary problem with outsourcing is that companies can visit abuse on their employees and the workers have no way of protecting themselves. Even some companies have found that outsourcing isn’t as profitable as they had once thought it would be. When American businesses outsource, it seems that everyone loses. As Americans began to raise concerns about job losses, major companies gave their reassurances that this was only happening to the â€Å"low-end† jobs. This would weed out the lower end, highly repetitive and unskilled labor, leaving better jobs for Americans to fill. These early rounds of "globalization" cost millions of U.S. jobs, but various experts assured Americans that this should not be a major concern because these were blue collar "rust belt" jobs. Old technology, they claimed. Manufacturing is passà ©. The U.S. would enter the new global economy with the new technology. Information, services, cutting-edge research and development—these would be the clean, high-paying jobs that would keep America on top. (Jasper, 2006) This promise has been revealed to be an empty one as Americans watch more jobs leave the United States as outsourcers move up the ladder to target higher skilled jobs such as engineering, medicine and legal research. Between 2003 and 2008 finan cial service companies have moved approximately 500,000 American jobs overseas. Seen in the chart below are the companies with the highest numbers of outsourced workers overseas. These 10 companies alone are responsible for outsourcing nearly 200,000 jobs. These certainly aren’t the only companies

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