Monday, December 23, 2019

Team Leaders Should Change Positive Norms Essay - 1608 Words

Tips Tip 1: Tip 1: As you are building teams, think about the skills of each individual team member to assure each member will add to the whole. Teams do not need 15 people with the same skills. They need 15 people who will add to the team to achieve the goal. Tip 2: Team leaders should change negative norms into positive norms. Working in a positive environment will increase team moral and promote team cohesion. Tip 3: It is critical for leaders to clearly communicate team norms and not assume that people know what the norms should be. This is especially true in a virtual environment where cultural norms may make people look at things in a very different way. What is a norm in New York may not be a norm in China. Tip 4: Leaders should prove effective feedback to their teams and allow ample time to adjust to norms. Team Norms Introduction Team norms are the processes that team members utilize to guide their interactions with one another. Every team is unique, therefore each team develops their own characteristics to help govern behaviors, make decisions and assign tasks (Heathfield, 2016). How effective a team set their foundation is a critical to the success of the team. Without established norms, team members can become disruptive, confused, and unengaged, thus leaving the team in a state of discord (Heathfield, 2016). Team norms may evolve and change over time. However, effective communication among leaders and team members will ensure that suchShow MoreRelatedCommunication Norms And Five Task Norms Essay1417 Words   |  6 PagesNorms Introduction All teams should strive to develop team norms, as norms help teams to build cohesion and strong team relationships (Richards, 2016). As with any relationship, effective communication is the key. Without it relationships fail. Communication within groups or teams will only be as effective as their team leader. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Job Fair Brochure Free Essays

Job Fair Brochure This discussion will describe the structure, business model, and culture of a selected business. There will be a justification for why each element was selected, and an explanation of how each choice of elements will impact the chosen business. A business model is like any other model; it represents and summarizes how whole businesses do business. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fair Brochure or any similar topic only for you Order Now The business model explains, in summary, the fundamental nature of the business and how the business makes money, without having to share complexities of strategies, â€Å"processes, units, rules, hierarchies, workflows, and systems† (Business Model Designs and Innovation, 2005, p. ). For example, the business that is chosen is a Geriatric Health Club and Daycare. The company makes money by offering wellness and exercise services to senior citizens all over the Merrillville community; for a reasonable amount of money. The fundamental nature of the club is to encourage the elderly, ages 55 and older, to continue to live a healthier and active life, by offering leisure activities, social interaction with their peers, nutrition education, and exercise (Business Model Designs, and Innovation, 2005). The business model was chosen because research, indicates that â€Å"High-intensity resistance exercise training is a feasible and effective means of counteracting muscle weakness and physical frailty in very elderly people. In contrast, multinutrient supplementation without concomitant exercise does not reduce muscle weakness or physical frailty† (Clements, Evans, Fiatarone, Kehayias, Lipsit, Nelson, O’Neill Roberts, Ryan, and Solares, 2009, 1769). The impact of this business model helps the company to function and guide the company in a productive direction. The business model helps the company to stay profitable by catering to a fast increasing age group. â€Å"The business structure is the type of legal entity that exists to contract to perform licensed work. Examples of legal entities are individual/sole proprietors, corporations, limited liability companies (LLC), partnerships, limited partnerships (LP), and limited liability partnerships (LLP)† are examples of business structures (Minnesota Department of Labor, and Industry, n. d, p. 1). The structure of the Geriatric Health Club and Daycare is a partnership. A partnership is a business agreement between two or more people, with an understanding of making a profit (NSW Small Business, 2001). The geriatric health club and daycare operates under a registered business name. The business name the club operates under is Transitions Senior Health Club and Daycare. The reason a partnership was chosen is because liabilities can be shared (NSW Small Business, 2001). A functional structure is for the staff. The CNAs works directly with customers, RNs oversees the CNAs, trainers, therapist, and assist the Medical doctor. The partnership structure impacts the club by the sharing of liabilities and increased financial investments and the sharing of responsibilities. The functional structure brings order with the staff and creates a harmonious working environment (NSW Small Business, 2001). â€Å"The business culture is the way your organization operates, the customs, attitudes; etiquette and etc. † (Answer, 2007, p. 1). For example, Transitions will use â€Å"The Plane tree’s approach, which is holistic and encourages healing in all dimensions; mental, emotional, spiritual, social and physical† (Axia College of University of Phoenix 2008, p194). The Plane tree’s approach maximizes the outcomes of healthcare by combining â€Å"harmonizing medical therapies, such as mind and body medicine, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, yoga, and energy therapies with conventional medical therapies†(Axia College, 2009, p. 194). The medical staff is well trained, board certified, and licensed by the state. The trainers are certified in yoga, low impact exercises, and small weights. The instructors are RNs with bachelor’s degrees; a Medical Doctor and a certified massage therapist, will be on staff. The staff is given two weeks of vacation and health benefits. They are also given incentive awards for out standing work. The impact that this business culture will have on Transitions is a healthy, safe and serene environment. The customers will be encouraged to reach their wellness goals and lead a longer and active life. Reference Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2009). Job fair brochure. Retrieved August 30, 2009, aXcess BUS 210________Foundations of Business Course Website. This is not a properly formatted reference listing for the textbook for this course. Your citation to this source is incorrect as well for this reason. Answers. (2007). What is business culture? Retrieved August 27, 2009, from http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080209153352AADUsZS Business Model Designs and Innovation. (2005). But What Actually is a Business Model? Retrieved August 27, 2009, from http://www. ask. com/web? qsrc=2417=01=dir=what+is+a+business+modle= Clements, K. M. , Evans, W. J. , Fiatarone, M. A. , Kehayias, J. J. , Lipsitz, L. A. , Nelson, M. E. , O’Neill, E. F. , Roberts, S. B. , Ryan, N. D, and Solares, G. R. (2009). Exercise training and nutritional supplementation for physical frailty in very elderly people. The New England Journal of Medicine. 330(25) 1769-1775. Retrieved August 30, 2009, from http://content. nejm. org/cgi/content/abstract/330/25/1769 How to cite Job Fair Brochure, Papers Job Fair Brochure Free Essays Job Fair Brochure Shawntaya Lewis BUS/210 February 10, 2013 Ms. Ella Noflin TAYA’S CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Functional and Geographic structure Being an employee at Taya’s child development center means everyone will work together to meet the need of the parent and children in the neighborhood. Teachers will provide high quality care. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fair Brochure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers will have experience and education in early childhood education. Business Model Our company is dedicated to meet each child indivual needs. We cater to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We will help guide the children through social emotional, sensory, and congnitive skills. We offer full time and part time quailty care. Organizational Culture Our company culture values employees who are motivated, energetic, creative, and dedicated. We will have weekly meetings to gather creative ideas to create fun learning experiences for the children. We value input that leads to growth. Employees must be trustworthy, team players, and have strong communication skills. Taya’s child development center is set up within functional and geographic structure. Our functunal structure focus on our employees working together because of their expertise to meet the childrens needs. We have a director, assisant director, lead teachers, assistant teachers, and teachers aids that work together. Our geographic structure focus on to make sure we are meeting the need of the community. We are dedicated to serve the children in our neghborhood. We are a full time service child development center. I selected functional structures because in order to run a child development center I need experience and educated teacher to work together to provide high quality child care. Employees grouped together because they have the same expertise of the same jobs, so they can easily communicate and share information with each other. They can often make decisions quickly and effectively by working together. â€Å"A functional structure also makes it easier for people to learn from one another’s experiences and improve their skills† (Jones, 2007). I also selected geographic structures because we have to make sure we are providing care for the need of the neighborhood. I think functional and geographic structures will help to build and strong business. I would have a Sole proprietorship child development center. I will operate a daycare center business in my name. I will be the only owner and I will hirer qualified teachers to help me run my child development center. My company is dedicated to serve the children and parents need in our community. We will meet the needs of each child indiviually. We will cater to infants, toddlers, and perschoolers in our community. We will help nuture and guide the children through social emotional, sensory and congnitive skills. We will provide fun learning experience for each age group of children. We will offer full time and part time care to meet the needs of our families in the community. We will offer music, yoga, and spanish enrichment learning classes. My business will help the children and parents in the community. I have selected organizational culture for my company values and norms that influence how people and groups behave and interact with one another. I want to create a happy and fun enivornment for my staff , parents, and children. My company culture values employees who are motivated, energtic, creative, and dedicated. We will have weekly team meetings to gather creative ideas to create fun learning experiences for the children. We value input that leads to growth. Employees must be trustworthy, team players, and have strong communication skills. The values I want my company to develop are excellence, stability, predictability, profitability, economy, creativeness, morality, and usefulness. â€Å"Company norms specify or prescribe the kinds of shared beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that a firm’s members should hold and follow. Norms are informal but powerful rules about how employees should conduct themselves if they want to be accepted and successful† (Jones, 2007). Organizational culture will allow my staff interact with one another and create a fun learning experience for the children and each other. It will also allow us to work in a fun loving environment. References Jones, G. R. 2007). Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I  certify that  the attached  paper is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity . I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed  on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student’s  signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Shawntaya Lewis How to cite Job Fair Brochure, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Description of a person that I admire Marie Curie free essay sample

One of the people I really admire is a Polish physicist and chemist woman, full of courage and determination to investigate radioactivity. My admiration is not only for her talent but also for the fact that during the 19th Century, not many people could think about a woman changing millions of lives with her full-time studies, especially if she came from a poor family. That is the reason why Marie Curies generosity deserves our grateful thanks. Since she was a child, Marie Curie knew that the greatest desire of her life was becoming a physic and chemist as her father was. He was the one in charge of her daughter’s education due to Marie’s mother’s death. Most of the things she learnt were taught by her father, but when Marie had the age to go to University she started to work as a governess to be able to pay her travel to Paris where women could study. We will write a custom essay sample on Description of a person that I admire: Marie Curie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Marie earned the money to go to France where she studied at Soborne University and lived from hand to mouth. Sometimes she fainted during classes because she didn’t eat well, but her passion and love for learning was so big that nothing could stop her. Another thing that made her studies at France difficult was her rusty French, but Marie’s tolerance helped her to overcome all of those situations because she knew what she wanted. While she was studying at University she met Pier Curie, who she married and raised a family with. Together, they developed the studying of radioactivity and shared with Henri Becquerel their Nobel Prize in Physics. After that Marie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It is amazing how much strength she had to overcome her social condition to study and research radioactivity up to give her own life due to all of the years of exposure that made her developed cancer and died. At present, after 79 years from Marie’s death, I consider her as a hero for her discoveries and especially for her example of bravery and loyalty to her goals which are still saving lives in every hospital.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Http// Essays - Economy VIDEO ASSIGNMENT: New Balance Hubway New Balance Hubway is a bike sharing system in the Boston area that uses automated stations to provide a bike service to people looking to go short distances. In this clip, employees discuss how the retailing model works for Hubway, and how the difference between brick and mortar and e-business models allowed them to succeed in the Boston area.. Based on the number of bike stations, what level of distribution is Hubway aiming for? Exclusive distribution Selective distribution Intensive distribution Broker distribution 2. Which type of nonstore retailer is New Balance Hubway? Automatic Vending Direct retailing Shop at home network telemarketing 3. Which of the following is true about New Balance Hubway? it has a high level of service with a wide product line. it has a low level of service with a wide product line. it has a low level of service with a narrow product line. it has a high level of service with a wide product line. 4. Which channel for consumer products does New Balance Hubway use? Direct channel Retailer Channel Wholesaler Channel Agent/Broker Channel 5. Which factors have the most influence on the method and level of distribution intensity New Balance Hubway uses to distribute its rental service? market factors Product factors Producer factors. Price factors. 6. Which of the following is the best classification of New Balance Hubway's retail operation? Department Store Off-Price retailer Convenience store Specialty store 7. When New Balance Hubway discusses managing how many bikes are in various stations, it is focusing on which aspect of service distribution? minimizing wait times managing service capacity improving service delivery Data mining the stations. 8. Developing the app Spotcycle, which allows customers to see where the best station to drop off their bike is by rating how full, empty, or nearby stations are is one way that New Balance Hubway minimizes wait times. True False 9. New Balance Hubway is a major player in non-traditional service retailing, and demonstrating how new technology can offer new ways of providing great service. True False 10. New Balance Hubway started in Dallas a. True b. False

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Example

Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Example Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Marketing And Managing A Destination Tourism Essay Essay Finishs are countries that attract and accommodate visitants temporarily. Finishs may change from: continents, states, provinces, states, metropoliss, small towns and resort countries. ( Pike, 2004 ) There are a figure of grounds why individuals travel, some of which may include: to see household and friends, concern related, for relaxation, love affair and more. ( Merith, 2009 ) In order to maintain a sustainable and competitory finish merchandise, it must be decently marketed and managed. Selling AND MANAGING A Finish What is Marketing? Selling is referred to as a societal procedure by which persons and organisations obtain their necessities through making and interchanging values with other. ( Kotler A ; Armstrong, 2010 ) Marketing a finish is a critical component in accomplishing the chief nonsubjective and keeping a comfortable tourer finish. ( Howie, 2003 ) ( Middleton, 1998 ) referred to a touristry merchandise as a combination of merchandises and services provided by a finish. A selling mix includes the 4 P s ( Place, monetary value, merchandise and publicity ) which are utilised to explicate schemes to market a finish or merchandise. Convention and Visitors Bureau What is a Convention and Visitors Bureau? Convention and Visitors Bureaus are organisations whose duty is to advance touristry at local and regional degrees. Functions and Responsibility of the Convention and Visitors Bureau The CVB has four chief duties. They are: To promote organisations to host meetings, conventions, events and tradeshows in the country it represents every bit good as aid those groups with meeting or event readyings and while their meeting or event is in advancement. To function as the community s selling bureau by advancing the county s resources to visitants to positively impact the local economic system. To carry tourers to see and bask the all the chances the finish has to offer. To stand for a specific finish and assist the development of communities through long term travel and touristry schemes. A Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // A The Jamaica Tourist Board The Convention and Visitors Bureau of Jamaica is the Jamaica Tourist Board. It was established in 1955 with its chief office located in Kingston and two other subdivisions in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. The Jamaica Tourist Board, with the aid of other bureaus contributes to marketing Jamaica as a finish for visitants appeal by the usage of assorted schemes. Schemes USED BY THE JAMAICA TOURIST BOARD TO MARKET AND MANAGE JAMAICA AS A DESTINATION To market Jamaica for visitants entreaty, the Jamaica Tourist Board can set in to consequence the undermentioned schemes: Liaise with private organisations within the Tourism Industry to advance Jamaica as the figure one finish for holidaying. Encourage patterning bureaus to carry on some of their picture or exposure shoots in Jamaica that would be televised worldwide therefore supplying the island with a more competitory advantage. Make a web site that can be accessed worldwide to showcase the beauty of the island every bit good as attractive forces that will fascinate possible visitants. Implement constabularies to guarantee that tourer attractive forces are ever environmentally friendly. Focus more on the development community-based touristry to showcase the island s rich civilization and heritage and the heat and friendliness of Jamaicans. SWOT ANALYSIS A SWOT analysis was conducted based on the schemes that were used supra. Strengths Provides exposure of our civilization, heritage and people. The creative activity of the website marks a wider market portion. Failing Residence may object to holding their community being used as tourer finish. Lack of human resources. Opportunities Provides more employment and gross to profit the economic system. Partnering with private sectors provides more fiscal aid in marketing the finish. Dainties Resentment towards tourers. Increase in competition. Selling Plan A Selling Plan is a concern papers developed to sketch clear prioritization of marketing aims and schemes. ( McDonald A ; Keegan, 2002 ) In Tourism, a selling program important because it assist in determining the walls of the concern before really puting up the foundations. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) By developing a selling program, the concern is able to set up clear aims to measure the effectivity of the selling tools or techniques used. It administers the way of the concern s selling purpose. Alternatively of blowing clip on uneffective selling exercisings, a selling program would hold prevented that from go oning. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) A budget is besides an of import necessity when developing a market program. Reason being, the budget would allow the selling squad cognize how much money is available to effectually pass on the undertaking. Basically the budget would be indispensable for the planning of disbursals. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) The selling program would besides incorporate selling schemes that would lend to the acknowledgment of a concern s trade name every bit good as the merchandise and services it has to offer. When developing a concern program, the selling squad is able to aim a specific market through market cleavage, therefore giving the concern the capableness of pulling new types of clients worldwide. Planing an effectual touristry selling program would besides help in raising money for outgo. ( Mountifield, 2009 ) When developing a finish selling program, there are a figure processes or phases involved with its development. These include: Research and Planning Process Analysis Procedure Implementing Stage Procedure Monitoring A ; Evaluation Process Selling Plan PROCESSES External Players THAT ASSISTS THE JAMAICAN TOURIST BOARD The Jamaican Tourist Board is the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Jamaica. In implementing of a Destination Marketing Plan, the Jamaica Tourist Board is assisted by bureaus and organisations under the Ministry of Tourism. These include: World Tourism Organization Florida Caribbean Cruise Associations Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association Caribbean Tourism Organization Caribbean Hotel A ; Tourism Association Howie, F. ( 2003 ) . Selling And The Tourist Destination. London: Thomson Learning. Kotler, P. , A ; Armstrong, G. M. ( 2010 ) . Principle of Marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. McDonald, M. H. , A ; Keegan, W. J. ( 2002 ) . Marketing Plans That Work: Targeting Growth and Profitability. Elsiver: Butterworth-Heinemann. Merith, S. ( 2009, August 4 ) . Ezine Articles. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from hypertext transfer protocol: // ? 10-Reasons-Why-People-Travel A ; id=2710271 Middleton, V. T. ( 1998 ) . Sustainable Tourism. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. Mountifield, K. ( 2009, September 4 ) . Digital Landscape. Retrieved November 15, 2012, from hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Pike, S. ( 2004 ) . Destination selling administrations. Elsevier: Progresss in Tourism Research.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Animal Farm compared to the Russian Revolution Essays - Free Essays

Animal Farm compared to the Russian Revolution All of the characters in Animal farm have counterparts in real life. This book was based on the Russian Revolution, and all the important populace of the revolution are symbolized. Some of the animals represent individuals in the Russian Revolution, and some types of animals represent different types of Russian citizens. The book carries out much like the actual revolution. It starts out with hopes of an empire where all are equal and the unfair unjust leader is thrown out. Then it moves on to where some individuals begin to take more power than is rightfully theirs. At the end the rulers have completely taken over and the kingdom is as it was under the original rulers. I will compare the animals from top of the social class to the bottom. At the top were the pigs. Each pig represented someone different in the revolution. Old Major is compared to Lenin. He was an ideologist who dreamed up a wonderful government where all the animals were equal and the humans, or the czars, ! were pushed out. Unfortunately his dream would never materialize. Then we are left with his predecessors. The first is Snowball. Snowball believed one hundred percent in Old Majors ideals. He wanted all the things Old Major wanted, such as the welfare of the animals. In the Russian Revolution his counterpart would be Trotsky. Trotsky believed and wanted the same things as Lenin, and wanted to continue what Lenin had started. Then comes Napoleon. Napoleon was selfish and greedy. He did not want to share the power or the decision making with any other individual. This was the same for Stalin. At first Napoleon and Snowball shared the decision making and had debates about what course of action they would take. This worked for awhile. Then Napoleon grew weary of long debates, and he thought he could make the decision by himself. He then forced Snowball out of the farm and started to spread lies about Snowball to get the entire farm against him. Stalin did the same thing against Trotsky and forced Trotsky into hiding into Mexico, where he was eventually assassinated. Both Stalin and Napoleon ruined any hopes of equal and fare government and instead set up dictatorships. Then comes the final important pig, Squealer. Squealer did not make the decisions in the government but acted more like the controlled media as in the Russian government. His job was to influence the people by exaggerating and re-writing history and sometimes telling plain lies all together. The people would listen t! o him, and he would always listen to Napoleon. Other animals were the worker class type citizens. The types of citizens range from hard working to selfish and lazy. Molly, for instance, only cared about her ribbons, and wasn't much of a thinker. All she wanted to do was eat sugar, and look pretty. Benjamin was a critic who always said "I've seen that before" and I'll never work." The cat was just plain lazy, and was always disappearing whenever work had to be done. The ducks were weak and did not get much done. Then there were other donkeys which worked much harder and never thought of their own needs. The pigeons acted as message carriers spreading propaganda between farms, spreading Napoleons words from farm to farm, or in the actual Russian Revolution, country to country. Although all these animals are very different, they all shared one common trait. They were all weak. They all let Napoleon take over without much resistance. Just like Stalin took over Russia. These animals were too weak, too scared, or just lacked the intelligence required to do something about it. This is where it is the fault of the people. They should have stood up to Napoleon for what they fought for in the first place. The people must stand up to those who would destroy the system or else al! l is lost. I think that this story was a good representation of the actual Russian Revolution. But it is even more than that. It shows how people can let certain individuals get away with anything just because they do not feel like standing up

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial intermediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Financial intermediation - Essay Example It was based on the efficiency hypothesis model and was distinguished from the imminent failure model. After analyzing 33 mergers during the 1867-1935 period, the author found that the consolidation and integration (which result as consequences of mergers and acquisitions) reduce systemic risk. An important variable in this finding is the identification of the role of diversification in the dilution and management of risks. The study also proposed the empirical validity of concentration-stability hypothesis as a framework for explaining the stability of Canadian banks. It was found that strong concentration of banks, which came as an offshoot of mergers and acquisitions, was a strong predictor of stability. What is good about the paper The paper is significant for several reasons. It contains important insights on the developmental evolution of the Canadian banking sector. The author has also proposed and explained insights that could enrich the extant literature on the positive impa ct of mergers and acquisitions (M&As). The successful use and evaluation of hypotheses and the systematic assessment approaches included can provide helpful insights to researchers interested in the same or in related research topics. These constitute the reasons why it is worthy of publication. This section will explain this in detail. An important insight postulated by the study is the explanation why the Canadian banking system outperformed the United States banking system during the Great Depression (p.6). The author was able to provide important evidences, most particularly, the argument that Canada avoided the crisis by maintaining a banking system typified by risk diversification through branching (p.6). This aspect in the study contributes an insight to the body of literature in regard to the incidence of bank failures, vulnerabilities and risks that could be avoided. The emerging principle is that mergers have cushioned the Canadian banking system from the Great Depression by diluting the risks. Here, a theoretical evidence was presented: the cases of the cross-province acquisitions from 1900-1931led to risk diversification because the bulk of business for each bank in a consolidated financial institution is based on its home province, hence, the risk for the entire organization is allocated according to its branches, operating in their respective locations. Furthermore, the study also explained the differences between mergers and acquisitions than simply branching out. If the bank is concerned with risks or is interested with diluting it, branching would be an option because it also meant the diversification of operation across Canada. However, it was explained how M&As have different degree of risk exposure than branching, effectively classifying one from the other. If one does think about it, mergers and acquisitions diversify through integration and accumulation of resources whereas branching diversifies by expanding and spending resources. In the former, there is an inward flow of resources where the latter sees an outflow. This is the reason why in the study's comparative analysis, it was found that "out of the 10 chartered banks that remained in business in 1935, six had been involved in acquisitions," and that "only one out of the 26 failed banks was involved in bank consolidation" (p.9). The study used Fisher's exact test to evaluate the relationship it revealed that bank consolidations did not result or

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economics of Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economics of Organisations - Essay Example Victor P. Goldberg (2008, pp. 1071-1084) states that the contract which was entered into between General Motors-Fisher Body (GM/FB) in the year 1919 was lawfully not enforceable. This realistic proof warranted the chronological significance of the institutional understanding of the economics of the firm founded on the minimization of transaction costs (Tirole,1988; Carlton and Perloff, 1994; Williamson, 1985; Ricketts, 1994). In a current publication of the Journal of Law and Economics (2000), law of economics of firm has received new explanations. Profounders like (Klein, 2000; Coase, 2000; Freeland, 2000; Casadesus-Masanell and Spulber, 2000;) have proposed that the leading clarification established on issues of sorting of information and transaction costs is an incorrect one. The explanation with regard to taking into account transaction costs, has failed or even neglected many other important causal factors of vertical integration. But according to Kelin (2000), the foremost hypothesis H0 is "holdup is the main rationale for vertical integration". Klein ( 2000, p 106) states that "the evidence unambiguously demonstrates that while the contract initially worked well, this contract broke down in 1925 when GM's demand for Fisher bodies increased dramatically. Fisher then refused to make the necessary capital investments required to produce bodies efficiently for GM, in particular refusing to build an important body plant close to GM production facility in Flint, Michigan. These contractual difficulties were the primary reason GM decide in 1926 to vertically integrate with Fisher Body" Whereas Coase (2000, p 15) states that Coase, alternatively, supports the idea that H0 is rejected by historical facts. To him, asset specificity is only a possible foundation for vertical integration which is not sufficiently adequate to validate vertical integration. According to him there are three reasons which stimulate arguments. They are: a. GM had only acquired 40% of the shares of FB which it had already owned. b. FB did not locate its plants far away from GM. c. Fisher Brothers did not use any incompetent methods of production. Thus it can be said that there was no holdup and thus the H0 was rejected by Coase and he suggested an alternative H1 which is: ""Asset specificity (with or without hold up) is normally handled satisfactorily with long term contracts without requiring vertical integration". According to Freeland (2000, p 35) vertical integration was "caused primarily by the desire to acquire and retain the specialized knowledge and services of the Fisher brothers". Thus Freeland also declines H0 and places more emphasis on human assets. He states that "Access to specialized human capabilities favours vertical integration which may, in turn, produce holdup situations". The H0 was also rejected by Casadesus-Masanell and Spulber (2000, 68). Conclusion: Alternatively, in more current combinings between economics of the firm and business history as in the case General Motor/Fisher Body, the previous difference still applies. Reference: 1. Crocker and Masten, 1996, "Regulation and administered contracts revisited: lessons from transaction-costs economics for public utility regulation", Journal of Regulatory Economics, 9, 5-36. 2. Carlton and Perloff, 1994, Modern

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Use of IQ and EQ in latter selection and promotion apprach Essay Example for Free

Use of IQ and EQ in latter selection and promotion apprach Essay The aim of this essay is to analyse the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and the Emotional Quotient (EQ), it will also endeavour to assess the Emotion Quotient of potential employees and how organizations have justified in adopting this in the final selection and promotion approach. LITERATURE REVIEW (MAIN BODY) Intelligent Quotient is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation IQ comes from the German term Intelligent-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern. When modern Intelligent Quotient tests are devised, the mean (average) score within an age group is set to 100 and the standard deviation (SD) almost always to 15, although this was not always so historically. IQ scores have been shown to be associated with such factors as morbidity and mortality, parental social status, and, to a substantial degree, parental IQ. While the heritability of IQ has been investigated for nearly a century, there is still debate about the significance of heritability estimates and the mechanisms of inheritance. IQ scores are used as predictors of educational achievement, special needs, job performance and income. They are also used to study IQ distributions in populations and the correlations between IQ and other variables. The average IQ scores for many populations have been rising at an average rate of three points per decade since the early 20th century, a phenomenon called the Flynn effect. It is disputed whether these changes in scores reflect real changes in intellectual abilities. Whether IQ tests are an accurate measure of intelligence is debated. It is difficult to define what constitutes intelligence; instead, it may be the case that IQ represents a type of intelligence. Whether IQ tests are an accurate measure of intelligence is debated. It is difficult to define what constitutes intelligence; instead, it may be the case that IQ represents a type of intelligence. The concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which relates to the determination of level of intellect or sharpness of mind of a person is very common. We normally use in our daily conversation that the IQ of a specific person is high or low. Intelligence tests are fast, accurate ways of determining a persons strengths and weaknesses, and through the study of intelligence test results, schools and institutions can  design better courses based on the test-takers needs. Without a test, a student or parent may continue to waste time teaching a child about areas she already understands while the educator may ignore areas that need the most attention. Some Institutions, however, focus on strengths, finding areas where a test-taker may excel in the future. A psychological report from one of the universities abroad uses intelligence tests to identify jobs that best fit the mental qualifications of individual recruits. Instead of years of trial and error and doubt and indecision, a person can find out more quickly where she would do a better job. The advantages of Intelligence Quotient among others is that one of the best ways to get an overall view of human behavior which can then be analyzed by age, race, and gender. This allows behavioral scientists to study trends in various groups as they take the test. Analyzing the data in this way provides these scientists with insight into how different groups of people learn based on their test results. This insight helps educators to tailor their teaching to get the best results. Since the IQ can identify the potential for academic achievement, schools can begin to develop students in a way that takes advantage of their natural talents. If a childs talents are developed correctly, he has the potential to maximize his skills to be beneficial to society. For instance, if an IQ shows that the child has some talent in math and science, those interests and talents can be developed to help the child get into a medical, research, or engineering field. This helps a society keep a steady supply of people who can provide benefits, making life better for all of their citizens. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a relatively recent behavioural model, rising to prominence with Daniel Golemans 1995 Book called Emotional Intelligence. The early Emotional Intelligence theory was originally developed during the 1970s and 80s by the work and writings of psychologists Howard Gardner (Harvard), Peter Salovey (Yale) and John Jack Mayer (New Hampshire). Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess peoples behaviours, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more. Emotional Intelligence  links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality: bringing compassion and humanity to work, and also to Multiple Intelligence theory which illustrates and measures the range of capabilities people possess, and the fact that everybody has a value. The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas of Emotional Intelligence that dictate and enable how successful we are. Success requires more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient), which has tended to be the traditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential behavioural and character elements. Weve all met people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that despite possessing a high IQ rating, success does not automatically follow. The word â€Å"emotion† is derived from the Latin verb emoverse meaning to stir up or to move. Emotions may arise from internal or external stimulants which enkindle some needed actions to survive in the given circumstances. Some psychologists have listed primary emotions and they believe that primary emotions blend together to form the full spectrum of human emotional experience just like primary colours make up the whole range of colours. According to Robert Plutchik eight primary emotions are anger, fear, sadness, joy, disgust, curiosity / interest, surprise, and acceptance. Plutchik reasons that these eight are primary on evolutionary grounds, by relating each to behaviour with survival value. For example, fear motivates flight from danger and anger motivates fighting for survival. They are considered to be part of our biological heritage and built into human nature. Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to perceive and manage his own emotions in such a way that it ends with a successful interaction with his environment. He can also perceive and manage his emotions in a manner that ends in a successful interpersonal interaction with others The emotions have scientific elaboration. In the realm of memory, emotional events are laid down differently by a parallel memory system involving a brain area called the amygdala. Emotions appear to employ largely unconscious machinery. For example, brain areas involved in emotion will respond to angry faces that are briefly presented and then rapidly masked, even when subjects are unaware of having seen the face. Your Emotional Intelligence is your ability to deal effectively with other people based on an understanding of their feelings, as well as your own emotions. People  with well-developed EI are effective communicators with strong, healthy relationships. They are able to read people and situations accurately and respond appropriately. They feel comfortable in a variety of circumstances and have learned how to manage conflict, anger, fear and stress, making them good problem solvers. Researchers believe that E.Q. is influenced by early attachment relationships. The way that you handle these relationships is what decides your E.Q. Through training you are able to increase your E.Q. Some companies provide E.Q. workshops to help their employees better understand themselves Emotional Intelligence links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality bringing compassion and humanity to work, and also to ‘Multiple Intelligence Theory’ which illustrates and measures the range of capabilities people possess, and the fact that everybody has a value. This is the essential premise of EQ to be successful requires the effective awareness, control and management of ones own emotions, and those of other people. EQ embraces two aspects of intelligence which are: (1) Understanding yourself, your goals, intentions, responses, behaviour and all and (2) Understanding others, and their feelings. Goleman identified the five domains of EQ as: i)Knowing your emotions. ii)Managing your own emotions. iii)Motivating yourself. iv)Recognizing and understanding other peoples emotions. v)Managing relationships, i.e., managing the emotions of others. Emotional Intelligence embraces and draws from numerous other branches of behavioural, emotional and communications theories, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis, and empathy. By developing our Emotional Intelligence in these areas and the five EQ domains we can become more productive and successful at what we do, and help others to be more productive and successful too. The process and outcomes of Emotional Intelligence development also contain many elements known to reduce stress for individuals and organizations, by decreasing conflict, improving relationships and understanding, and increasing stability, continuity and harmony. When it comes to happiness and success in life, emotional intelligence (EQ) matters just as much as intellectual ability (IQ). Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at  work, and achieve your career and personal goals. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of your daily life, such as the way you behave and the way you interact with others. If you have a high emotional intelligence you are able to recognize your own emotional state and the emotional states of others and engage with people in a way that draws them to you. You can use this understanding of emotions to relate better to other people, form healthier relationships, achieve greater success at work, and lead a more fulfilling life. The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas of emotional intelligence that dictate and enable how successful we are. Success requires more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient), which has tended to be the traditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential behavioural and character elements. We have all met people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that despite possessing a high IQ rating, success does not automatically follow. In short the significance of studies on EQ has increased with the expanding scope of knowledge. It has the same qualification in the field of law as well. The people related to field of Law everyday come across a number of stories which gave rise to conflicts and disputes evoking the need of solution through law suits. These stories are brimmed with emotional and sentimental behaviour of people. Legislators, advocates and judges may not ignore the emotional aspect of any incident. It can, therefore, be concluded that the knowledge of EQ should not be confined to the books of psychology; rather it should be made applicable to all fields of life. Emotional intelligence can help you navigate the social complexities of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in your career. In fact, when it comes to gauging job candidates, many companies now view emotional intelligence as being as important as technical ability. Emotions have a physical as well as a psychological component. There are researchers who consider emotions to be biochemical reactions while other researchers define emotions as a conscious mechanism. Most people who study  emotions are somewhere in between and they view emotions as a coordinated response systems, so that an emotion occurs when there are certain biological, certain experiential, and certain cognitive states which all occur simultaneously. In other words, emotions operate on many levels. In the book Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman describes the brains flight or fight response when exposed to a perceived stressor. Under stress, a nerve running from the brain to the adrenal glands atop the kidneys triggers a secretion of the hormones epinephrine and nor epinephrine, which surge through the body priming it for an emergency. These hormones activate receptors on the vagus nerve; while the vagus nerve carries messages from the brain to regulate the heart, it also carries signals back into the brain, triggered by epinephrine and norepinehrine. (Goleman, The ability to control these various biochemical reactions has a proven direct positive impact on an individuals health status and can help to reduce the risks of developing heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. In addition, individuals have used various substances (alcohol, stimulants, depressants, etc.) in efforts to control the effects of these biochemical responses to stress, which often have further detrimental impacts on their welfare and safely. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in an organizations decision making, leadership, strategic and technical break through, open honest communication, trusting relations and teamwork, custom loyalty and creativity and innovation. (Cooper. Sawaf. p.2) these factors directly relate to TQM principles and ultimately relate to the employees just how much they are valued and appreciated by the organization. How employees view themselves within the context of an organization is fundamental to their motivation and to their ability to strive for customer satisfaction. In addition, how the employees supervisor views EI and participation in training will greatly impact their willingness and ability to participate openly in the various sessions. The more open and honest the supervisors are, the more likely the employees will feel safe and encouraged to participate without feeling threatened. Studies have indicated that the benefits of improving an employees E.I. through education and training have led to improved subjective and objective responses to stress. One study indicated positive impacts on electromyography, adrenaline levels and blood  pressure. Further data from organizations which have participated in stress management programs have indicated a reduction in health care claims and malpractice claims. By improving an employees ability to deal with stress, through raising their emotional intelligence quotient, the organization benefits as well as the individual. The organization needs to understand and identify the need for helping employees; the process begins with the leadership. The leadership style and approach in dealing with their employees has a direct impact on the quantity and intensity of the stress experienced by the employees within that culture. The culture, in turn, is directly influenced by the leadership, who determine whether EQ training is relevant and important or whether the investment in time and resources are better made elsewhere. How significantly the leadership values its employees has a direct impact on the milieu and on efforts to invest in the health and welfare of those employees. Furthermore, a non-punitive approach, with an emphasis on confidentiality and establishing trust with the employees, is essential for participants to accept the feedback they receive and to respond positively to this feedback. Individuals need time to process the information they are given and to be able to respond to this feedback; a safe environment in which they do not feel threatened is crucial to this process. Initially, once an organization has decided to provide EI training, an initial assessment should be performed. One of the first tasks of this initiative was to assess the level of stress in the organization, which was accomplished via a climate survey that allowed comparison with national benchmark data. (Stress management training p.1) This assessment would explore the understanding and willingness of individuals regarding EI prior to participating in the training and, in addition, their perception of the validity of E I, which is then incorporated into the training program. A trainer also needs to assess the readiness of the participants to make these changes. There are multiple stages that individuals evolve through when confronted with the need to change. Once they have evolved to the stage at which they perceive themselves to be ready for this change and determine it to be beneficial, they are then more likely to accept positive feedback and be able to make the needed changes. As indicated earlier, there many tools employed to assist with the training of stress management and the enhancement of emotional intelligence. Multiple analytical tools are  available to assess emotional competence. With these tools it is possible to do an assessment, providing data which can later be analyzed and categorized. Two specific tools, the Emotional Competence Inventory 360 and the Work Profile Questionnaire-EI Version are designed to be utilized in the work environment. (Emotional Competence Framework, p. 1) Emotional competence framework outlines key competencies such as self awareness, self regulation, self motivation and social competency indices. Sub-categories have been identified under each main category, which are measured. This framework establishes and documents the ideal characteristics exhibited by those with emotional intelligence. The best assessment approach for rating social and emotional learning is usually based on multiple ratings conducted from multiple perspectives Once individual assessments and scores have been obtained, training and education can be individualized to enhance assets while improving those areas where deficits exist. Training should include role plays, simulations, and group discussions since these techniques appear to reprogram the amygdale and neocortex. As is the case in a TQM endeavor, this is an ongoing, never ending process. Formal training usually is concluded within a 10-12 week time frame. Individual and group training continues, but is structured within the context of continuing the growth and development of the employees. Generally, it is recommended to outsource training to professionals trained in EI. Once the formal training has ended, the organization can transition to resources within the organization. As individuals establish and strengthen their emotional intelligence, their ability to adapt to their changing environment improves. Research suggests that emotional learning and behavioural changes can occur in all individuals, regardless of their age. A major consideration though is to consider different types of learning. Training and development efforts in industry have not always distinguished between cognitive learning and emotional learning, but such a distinction is important for effective practice. Emotional incompetence often results from habits deeply learned early in life. These automatic habits are set in place as a normal part of living, as experience shapes the brain. As people acquire their habitual repertoire of thought, feeling, and action, the neural connections that  support these are strengthened, becoming dominant pathways for nerve impulses. These habits can be replaced with new habits. Motivation is also a more significant factor with emotional learning then it is with cognitive learning. Linking the participants values to the behavioural adapting appears to influence positively the ability and desire of the individual to modify the negative behavioural trait. Developing goals which are obtainable and lead to increased self-confidence appears to be a key element in development of new habits that are representative of emotional intelligence. The goals attained reinforce the behaviour and further lead to continued attempts at learning and improving ones EI through behavioural changes. Use of models that demonstrate the desired traits are very important to sustaining growth and continued learning in the adult participant. In addition, aiding employees in development of insight is fundamental to the ability to make behavioural changes and to continue to strive for improvement. Insight serves as a natural link between situations, thoughts and feelings. It enhances self-awareness, the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. And insight often paves the way for meaningful behaviour change. The direct supervisor, in addition to the leadership as a whole play a major role in modelling the constructive behaviour and setting the tone for further growth. Not only does leadership have a role in identifying the need for training, provides the resource for training while establishing a safe environment in which this learning can take place, they are looked upon as role models, and as such must demonstrate the traits that are encouraged in the subordinates undergoing such training. In any TQM system, the leadership plays a significant role in nurturing the environment so that improvements can occur and be sustained. Reduction in swamping and the negative physical and psychological symptoms associated with stressors increase morale and job satisfaction, and retention of staff, which are all positive outcomes from developing skills in emotional intelligence. In all environments, the ability to improve interactions and to control ones negative responses to stressors are beneficial and enhance the individuals quality of life. The organization benefits since an employee who is healthier and happier is more likely to work to a higher standard, maximizing their creativity and ultimately be more invested in their job and the companys vision and mission. Why focus on emotions? Emotions are the glue that holds the cells of the organism together in the material world, and in the spiritual world theyre the glue that holds the classrooms and the society together. If you’re unable to manage your stress levels, it can lead to serious health problems. Uncontrolled stress can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. The first step to improving emotional intelligence is to learn how to relieve stress. Uncontrolled stress can also impact your mental health, making you vulnerable to anxiety and depression. If you are unable to understand and manage your emotions, you’ll also be open to mood swings, while an inability to form strong relationships can leave you feeling lonely and isolated. The advantages of emotional intelligence among others are Self-awareness and Self-management, effective Communication SkillsEmpathyAbility to sense what others are feeling and respond appropriately Ability to control and use Emotions to get results. Knowing your own emotions and how they affect performance and how you can improve them fostering a culture of enthusiasm, commitment, initiative, innovation and determination to achieve corporate goals. Using emotion to motivate yourself and others to achieve goals and business success Reducing stress levels and enabling individuals to manage their own feelings and emotions positively Building stronger and trusting relationships with your staff Encouraging openness and bringing out the best in others Managing conflict, anger and change positively. Emotional Intelligence and EQ allows both individuals and teams to gain insight into the key elements of leadership. Through professional coaching, leaders can work on targeted competencies to recognize current behaviour, thoughts and actions Explore and develop strategies for enhancement Gain higher levels of personal awareness demonstrate effective leadership and notice the impact on people around them reflect upon and review progress, recognise current behaviour, thoughts and actions explore and develop strategies for enhancement Gain higher levels of personal awareness. Demonstrate effective leadership and notice the impact on people around them Reflect upon and review progress Express and articulate feelings in a positive, clear yet assertive manner celebrate success and learn from development opportunities are great listeners and understand others exceptionally well Adapt to changing circumstances, manage stress and show self-control Are optimistic  and determined are simply great people to be around. The root of this low emotional intelligence for not succeeding even with a high intelligence quotient is the quality of parenting values, beliefs and feelings which are acquired in the homes and the first models are the parents. Emotional intelligence therefore is a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and use this information to guide one’s thinking and action (Meyer, 1990). The way a Man relates his behaviour and feelings to others and the way he associates with his environment is another factor of emotional intelligence. Indeed, the development of emotional intelligence is an important component of intelligence. It can help individuals’ development. It is therefore necessary for an individual to understand what emotional intelligence is in order for them to become successful in their life. CONCLUSION To date, many companies have focused their selection criteria and training programs on hard skills (e.g., technical expertise, industry knowledge, education) and the assessment of personality traits. Topics including competencies like stress management, assertiveness skills, empathy, and political/social acumen were never measured in the selection process or focused on in training and development programs. In reality, these are critical success factors that should not be dismissed, and have a direct impact on the bottom line. For example, the Hay Group states one study of 44 Fortune 500 companies found that salespeople with high EQ produced twice the revenue of those with average or below average scores. In another study, technical programmers demonstrating the top 10 percent of emotional intelligence competency were developing software three times faster than those with lower competency. Additional research unearthed the following success stories. A Fortune 500 company in financial services proved that their high EQ salespeople produced 18 percent more than the lower EQ salespeople. One recent study conducted by a Dallas corporation measured that the productivity difference between their low scoring emotional intelligence employees and their high scoring emotional intelligence employees was 20 times. A Texas-based Fortune 500 Company had utilized  personality assessments for candidate selection for years with little results in reducing turnover in their high turnover sales force. After turning to an emotional intelligence-based selection assessment and EQ training and development program, they increased retention by 67 percent in the first year, which they calculated added $32 million to their bottom line in reduced turnover costs and increased sales revenues. A large metropolitan hospital reduced their critical care nursing turnover from 65 percent to 15 percent within 18 months of implementing an emotional intelligence screening assessment. A community bank that reduced staff by 30 percent due to the sluggish economy assessed the remaining workforce for their emotional intelligence competencies, placed them in the right role for those competencies, and the bank is now producing more with less people. Lastly, through a series of recent studies conducted by ZERORISK HR, Inc., a correlation was found among low emotional intelligence and theft and shrinkage. One other study in the construction industry yielded results showing workers with low emotional intelligence had a higher likelihood of getting injured while on the job. All of these cases are starting to prove the value of having highly emotionally intelligent employees make up your workforce if you want a competitive advantage in this highly competitive business world.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Obtaining a Competitive Advantage Through Cost Leadership and Different

This assignment will cover how a business can gain a competitive advantage over similar businesses in the same market using sources such as cost advantage and differentiation. What will also be discussed is the value chain model made by Porter, and this assignment will explain what the model was actually designed for. Furthermore, it will be explained how a business can use methods of competitive advantage through various stages of Porter’s Value Chain in order to help it maintain and increase the competitiveness of the business, and this will be done through assessing the operations of the business and locating exactly where any competitive advantage can be gained. Lastly, Porter’s value chain features 9 activities which can each be identified as being either a primary or support activity and what will then be explained will be how these primary and support activities can add value to a business, and whether or not support activities can be considered as being any more or any less important than a primary activity. It is suggested by many that there are two ways for a business to gain competitive advantage; this is done through either cost advantage or differentiation. Porter (2004, p.64) claims that cost advantage is when a â€Å"firm achieves a lower cumulative cost of performing value activities than its competitors†. A good example of this would be ASDA within the food retailer industry. ASDA (ASDA beats its full year sales and profit plan, 2009), known for their â€Å"commitment to everyday low prices†, are very much a cost-leading competitor in the food retailer industry and they stated that they beat their â€Å"full year sales and profit plan† for the fourth consecutive quarter in 2009 by introducing a â€Å"significant cost reduction prog... ...l Group (2008) Annual Report 2008: Our key strengths. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 19/11/2011) Johnson, G., Scholes, K. (2002) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases. 6th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. McGeary, R. (2011) Anatomy of Market Research [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 14/11/2011) Millar, V., Porter, M. (1985) ‘How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage’, Harvard Business Review pp. 18-36. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 17/11/2011) Needle, D. (2000) Business in Context: An introduction to business and its environment. Third edition. London: Thomson Learning Porter, M. (2004) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: FREE PRESS.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Marketing strategy of amazon

Marketing strategy is necessary in every business. No matter how rich a certain business is, its resources are always restricted. Thus marketing strategy provides a certain business to allocate his resources properly in order for his business to be more productive. Marketing mix is also essential in the marketing field, and it is basically the reason why the marketing mix (4 P’s) is tackled under marketing strategy. The four essential P’s are the product, the price, the place, and the promotion. Without considering these four essential P’s ones business is doomed to fail. A marketing manager needs to have enough knowledge in order to better determine how to properly organize this marketing mix. This paper aims to focus on whether the is doing a great marketing strategy. It is a well-known fact that many businesses aims on promoting their products in order to receive better responses from their customers. The necessity of promoting their products are included in the marketing mix and thus a business that knows how to promote his product well would succeed most likely than those who do not have any knowledge in product promotions. Going back to the strategy of many wonders why they promote their new products side by side with used and old products. There are people who question the rationality behind this because people think that most consumers would tend to buy things which are cheaper compared to the newer and more expensive items particularly books. Thus, this paper aim to analyze what was the reason behind this particular strategy of, whether their strategy is effective or not and the like. is one of the most famous e-commerce companies. sells their products via internet thus making it more convenient for people who do not have enough time to do their shopping outside their homes. Jeff Bezos started in 1994 and up to now is still continuing with their business. started by selling books online but as of today they are no longer limited on selling books via the internet.’s products ranges from cd’s, dvd’s, books, clothes, cars, etc. The is a little off the track with their marketing strategy. For one, they are willing to ship products ranging from $25 or more for free. Such shipments could be very costly even from an established business as Amazon. However, in spite of the losses of they are still well-liked by their customers due to their good services and customer satisfaction is very important in every business. Thus, in this regard shows good marketing strategy in terms of pleasing their customers. However this particular aspect where is good at is very short-lived. The strategy Amazon found to reconstruct their selves is by contacting retailers and asking them to sell some of their products at Amazon. Thus, companies such as Gaps, Circuit City Stores Inc and the like sell some of their products at Amazon as well as on their own websites. This particular strategy raised Amazon’s profit to 22%. However, business experts saw that Amazon’s sale could still grow by the year of 2008 if they would improve some aspects on their websites. By doing this Amazon could draw more retailing companies to join forces with them. Their website had also gotten so full to the point that shopping online on Amazon is no longer as convenient and as easy as it used to especially since so many url’s links customers from one website to another. Thus, if only would try to lessen the mess their website is in then the better their business would be. In terms of using the 4 P’s is doing fine in the price part since their prices are very reasonable added to the fact that they gives free shipment for some products. could also be found nationwide because they have opened stores on different countries such as Japan, Germany, etc. This particular strategy is good because it allows them to cover customers in a wide-range basis. However, shows difficulty in promoting most of their products because their website is not very organized. Searching for your desire product could be very strenuous for many insignificant links appears one after another. In terms of products they may be doing alright for they sell products with qualities however, their promotion of their product is not really good and thus they should focus on their marketing promotion to in order to attract customers and other retailers more. (Behr). has certain advantages though as mentioned earlier especially on their venture to merging with other retailers. They are also one of the most well-known on the e-commerce aside from the fact that they are managing to compete head on with other well-known businesses such as IBM, Microsoft, etc. In terms of selling old books side-by-side with new ones, Amazon has a good reason for that one too. aims to cater to the needs of different kinds of consumers. There are those who want new things no matter how expensive those things may be. However, there are those who does not really care on whether they are buying something old or new as long as they could afford the price. Thus in this regard is doing a great strategy by catering to the needs and wants of different kinds of consumers. By showing old books side by side with new ones they are also making it easier for their customers to better analyze which one they would pick. For example if Book A costs $15 if it is new and $13 if it is old and used then I would better analyze the pros and cons of buying a new book to that of buying the old one especially if the price difference is only $2. Overall this particular strategy of Amazon could be looked at in different light. However, this particular strategy may be serving Amazon’s purposes well and thus in this regard I think that showing your customer new products as compared to new ones is a good strategy. In a way it is the same as shopping in a certain shop wherein you ask for a particular book whose price is $25 and your money is only $20. Part of a business strategy is to provide an alternative thus it would be of no surprise if the saleslady would ask how much money you have with you and when you say $20 she would tend to show you a copy of the same book although the second one is used but in a lower price as compared to the new book. I am sure that Amazon is using this particular tactic in the same light as the hypothetical saleslady did. Reference: Behr, Mary E. â€Å"Case Study: Amazon.Com.† 2003.      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Unix Multiprogramming

The computer allocated in UNIX to every process, whether a system task or user task. The choice of task to be executed when the CPU becomes free is based on a formula that penalizes tasks that have used most CPU cycles in the recent past. The process priority which can be set by super user (root) is an important part of this formula. The CPU scheduling algorithm is simple but allows users some measure of control over their workstation performance. The CPU speed defines the capacity of a mainframe for a given release of the operating system. All other hardware components are usually configured so that when the system is fully loaded, the CPU which is by far the most expensive resource becomes the bottleneck. In order to give the user the impression of simultaneous execution, the CPU must be allocated alternatively among the individuals processors. This task is managed by scheduler, a special processor that maintains a list of normal processes and sees to it that the processor handles the next process at certain time intervals. There are various strategies that a scheduler can use to determine which process to handle next, one of these strategies is (round robin) selects the next respective process in the list at regular intervals and puts it at the end of the list after the allocated time if the process is not yet finished. Another strategy assigns each process a priority, whereby processes with higher priority are allocated more CPU time. UNIX employs nice levels, which allow the user to influence the internal priorities of processes. This allows the user to reduce significantly the encumbering of the system by programs running in the background. Likewise the administrator can also raise the priority of important process to ensure faster execution. UNIX does timesharing as well as multiprogramming. Timesharing creates the illusion that several processes execute simultaneously, even though there maybe only one physical CPU.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fiscal Administration 5 Essays

Fiscal Administration 5 Essays Fiscal Administration 5 Essay Fiscal Administration 5 Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: : Fiscal Administration 5 America is faced with the worst fiscal challenge. The fiscal challenges threaten the future of the country and consequently the quality of life those future generations. The country is faced with enormous budget deficits and the public debt stands at 14 trillion dollars. In this sense, the country seems be on its way to bankruptcy. Worse still, the country’s spending patterns are not bound to end any time soon. This will only increase budget deficits in the future and the public debt will continue to grow. It is time that the government reconsiders their budget policy lest the country falls of the ‘fiscal cliff’. The time to initiate fiscal changes is now. While such a move will meet several challenges, cutting spending is the one choice of action that may restore the balance in the country’s budget. However, whatever the choice of action, it must rationally address the fiscal crisis America is facing. The country needs to adopt a budget philosophy that wi ll revamp the economic situation in the country. An effective budget policy that the country should adopt is an annually balanced budget. This is a situation where the government budget policy aims at equating the government spending with the revenue collected (Lee et al 134). In this sense, the government should only use what it has. However, this may meet various challenges that may make it difficult to achieve. For one, the government needs to continue increasing spending despite the fact that revenue coming in is not enough to sustain the spending. This is because that there are an increased number of people depending on government support to sustain their living. Therefore, cutting spending may hurt the economy more that help it. The challenges faced by cutting spending may mean that the budget may not allocate enough for public services such as health an education. Over 55 million Americans receive Social Security benefits. In addition, 50 million of these Americans are on Medicare and about 42 million of them are retired and include their dependants. Again, the notion of ‘Baby Boom’ of those born between 1947 and 1964 reached the retirement age in 2011. In the years to come there is going to be very many retired individuals in America affecting the tax collected on income by the American government. The challenge of cutting spending will mean that this population and the dependants will suffer. To save this situation, borrowing is not an option since the public debt is already high and increasing taxes on the working population may witness a revolt from them. Despite these challenges, a balance budget is the best way out. However, some may argue that it is too late for that since doing so will mean cutting spending and increasing taxes to sustain government programs. This may lead to an economic down turn where people have a reduced purchasing power (Lee et al 59). This may lead to business failures in both corporate and small businesses. Therefore, they would propose that the people weather out the situation and hope for the best in the future. Before the option of cutting spending and establishing a balanced budget is dismissed, the country needs to understand the effects of ignoring the fiscal crisis and letting every thing fall into place. Things may never get better if nothing is done. Therefore, it is necessary to understand where the country stands now and where it will be when the government budget indicates that spending has been cut and an attempt to balance the budget will have us. This situation may create more problems for th e country, but the people need to understand that this meant to ensure the existence of the Union in the future. Lee, Robert D, Ronald W. Johnson, and Philip G. Joyce. Public Budgeting Systems. Sudbury, Mass. [u.a.: Jones and Bartlett, 2008. Print.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Care of Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Care of Cancer - Essay Example Oncologists or physicians perform tests to verify the diagnosis of cancer. However, more tests are recommended by a doctor to find out more on the cancer. This is because most tests are vogue and cannot be relied on for treatment. Additionally, there are types of cancer that are hard to classify. Lymphomas is one of the types cancer that require more than one test to ascertain its existence on the body. Combination of thorough test and evaluation of the patient history of symptoms provides a clear analysis for confirmation of presence or absence of cancer. Additionally, clear and effective diagnosis provides steps of monitoring the disorder and the rightful treatment for the diseases. The most common diagnostic methods of cancer are; biopsy, x-rays, endoscopy, diagnostic imaging and the blood test. According to Regnard and Kindlen (2002), biopsy is one of the diagnostic methods for cancer and it is done by surgically removing the tissue sample and put under microscopic test. The process involves either a short needle or a longer needle with the help of scan guidance such as CT scan or ultrasound. Diagnostic imaging is a technique used to provide internal image of the body. There are various processes performed under diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). X-rays is the most common method used for screening lung and breast cancer. The method is effective in determining the spread of cancer to bones. CT and MRI scans are mainly used to ascertain the level of tumour and the results of treatment. The images produced during CT scans are analysed using a computer to produce images with a high number of tissues. However, MRI produces more detailed images than both CT and X-ray. Ultrasound is another diagnostic imaging for cancer. The aspects of ultrasound are not good like CT and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Outsourcing of US Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Outsourcing of US Jobs - Essay Example omotes efficiency and cost reduction so companies can maintain their competitiveness, sending American jobs overseas hurts America because our economy depends on jobs at all levels in order to continue functioning. The economy is suffering from this practice and it will continue to do so because Americans are forced to compete for jobs at pay levels well below the standard of living. The secondary problem with outsourcing is that companies can visit abuse on their employees and the workers have no way of protecting themselves. Even some companies have found that outsourcing isn’t as profitable as they had once thought it would be. When American businesses outsource, it seems that everyone loses. As Americans began to raise concerns about job losses, major companies gave their reassurances that this was only happening to the â€Å"low-end† jobs. This would weed out the lower end, highly repetitive and unskilled labor, leaving better jobs for Americans to fill. These early rounds of "globalization" cost millions of U.S. jobs, but various experts assured Americans that this should not be a major concern because these were blue collar "rust belt" jobs. Old technology, they claimed. Manufacturing is passà ©. The U.S. would enter the new global economy with the new technology. Information, services, cutting-edge research and development—these would be the clean, high-paying jobs that would keep America on top. (Jasper, 2006) This promise has been revealed to be an empty one as Americans watch more jobs leave the United States as outsourcers move up the ladder to target higher skilled jobs such as engineering, medicine and legal research. Between 2003 and 2008 finan cial service companies have moved approximately 500,000 American jobs overseas. Seen in the chart below are the companies with the highest numbers of outsourced workers overseas. These 10 companies alone are responsible for outsourcing nearly 200,000 jobs. These certainly aren’t the only companies

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Education in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education in China - Essay Example And because of the rapidly growing economic sector and global presence of China, it is imperative to understand how the education system works in the country. This essay discusses education in China and the similarities and differences between the Chinese and American education system. Education in China is categorised into elementary school, middle school, and high school. Similar to the United States, twelve years are spent in elementary school and high school, though in China, it is divided quite differently. In China, six years are spent in elementary school, then three years in middle school, and three years in high school, with the initial nine years spent in compulsory education (Peterson, Hayhoe, and Lu 22). One should successfully pass a competitive exam in order to be admitted into high school. High school is offering vocational education and general education. Parents pay for their children’s high school education, and scholarships are granted to those from low-inco me families. High school students are required to stay in school from 8:00 am to 5:15 pm. Generally, a particular school in every city is authorised to offer special education for pupils with impairments (Wang 73). Home schooling is not practised in China, not like in the United States. There are hardly any non-academic extracurricular and sports activities. Nevertheless, numerous students take part in after-school activities to review for examinations, particularly for university admission exams, which they can take once, not like the ACT and SAT Reasoning Test which can be taken several times in the U.S. (Liu 62). In China, a large number of students in elementary school are taught mathematics by a professional math teacher. The math teacher is also allowed to teach Chinese literacy in grades 1 and 2. In several areas, math teachers may also teach science, but science is not a major subject in the elementary school curriculum (Peterson et al. 44). In schools in far-flung or rural places, elementary teachers are also allowed to teach all subject areas, just like in the United States. However, math teachers in elementary schools are usual in China and less usual in the U.S. Moreover, Chinese pupils use a single classroom for their primary classes whilst in the United States students use different rooms for different subjects or classes (Guo and Lamb 75). The major difference between the education system of China and the U.S. is that in the former, the system in general is far stricter with more rules and in the latter there are considerably fewer limitations and greater freedom (Liu 38). For instance, a pupil having the liberty to choose his/her own classes is not common in China. Every class that a student in China should take is fixed. According to Peterson and colleagues, this lack of freedom in China may be attributed to the huge population of students and giving every student the freedom to choose his/her own classes is clearly problematic. Another import ant difference between the Chinese and American education system is the notion of head teacher. The head teacher in China performs an extra responsibility in overseeing their particular classes, providing instruction, and knowing and communicating with the students and their families. The Chinese head teacher will not merely teach his/her particular class that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Impact of Great Depression on British and German Policies Essay

Impact of Great Depression on British and German Policies - Essay Example This was characterized by many detrimental consequences, including a decline in the global industrial output. However, different governments developed ways of dealing with the Great Depression, mainly through policy responses. Nonetheless, as compared to the present times, the policy responses adopted by governments in the Great Depression period are considered to have quite helpless, as compared to what the contemporary governments are capable of. Most of the policy changes undertaken by both Germany and Britain did not turn out to be fully effective in combating the effects of the Great Depression between 1929 and 1932.The Great Depression spread from North America to other European nations, including Britain and Germany, mainly because of the close relationship the United States had with some developed nations in Europe (Wrigley 2008). After the World War I, the United States was a key financier and creditor of most European nations. This was after their economies had been severel y devastated by the war. In the case of Germany, the country had lost in the WWI, thus was required to pay reparations to the European nations that won the war, in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles (1919). Germany also needed to undertake industrial reconstruction, following the devastating effects of the war. This situation forced Germany to borrow money from the United States in order to accomplish the demands. However, when the economy of America experienced the Great Depression.... Germany also needed to undertake industrial reconstruction, following the devastating effects of the war. This situation forced Germany to borrow money from the United States in order to accomplish the demands. However, when the economy of America experienced the Great Depression, the country had to recall its loan from Germany, and this was the major cause for the collapse of the banking system in Germany, which marked the beginning of the Great Depression in the Germany. The Great Depression had major effects on both Germany and the Great Britain. This affected the economic, social, as well as political spheres of these countries. As compared to the Great Britain, Germany was hit most by the Great Depression. In Germany, the rate of unemployment rose sharply. Beginning 1929, Germany started to experience increased unemployment rates, and this was felt until 1932. Overall, it is estimated that by 1932, 6 million of Germany’s workforce was unemployed. This represented 25% of t he workforce. On the other hand, the effect of the Great Depression in Britain was highly experienced in its industrial and export sectors. The effects on these sectors in Britain were felt until the period of the WWII (Wrigley 2008). In order to alleviate the severity of the Great Depression, all the affected countries, including Germany and Britain, adopted various measures, which they considered effective to address the situation. In all those strategies adopted, a major aim was to protect the domestic production of the country. This included the imposition of tariffs, setting quotas on foreign imports, and raising existing tariffs, among others. Nonetheless,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay

Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay The Caribbean is known for its beautiful islands and breath-taking shores. There are numerous sites in this region of thousands of diverse islands. To list a few reasons as to why its a huge attraction to tourists from all over the world, then the coral reefs, colorful fruits, golf courses, sailboats and the wonderful sunsets at the beach are just the tip of the ice burg. Its the perfect place to relax with the family and a Caribbean holiday is the best place if anyone is seeking for a little adventure. The Caribbean seems to have everything for a great vacation from horse riding to hiking, wildlife tourism and much more. Everything from exploring the beautiful waterfalls, going kayaking upriver and even canoeing gives the Caribbean the top most position in tourism category. The Caribbean has both extinct and live volcanoes. It gives a definite adrenaline rush for tourists seeking it. Its tropical rainforests consists of rare and exotic animal species. It is by all means, absolutely beautiful. The Caribbean region consists of thousands of islands and to name a few that are of great tourists interest and as stated in Anguilla UK, Antigua Barbuda, Aruba ~ Netherlands, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe ~ France, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique ~ France, Montserrat ~ UK, Netherland Antilles, Puerto Rico ~ US, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent Grenadines, Trinidad Tobago, Turks Caicos ~ UK and US Virgin Island. Its not only about the adventures but the Caribbean features cites of its rich heritage and unique architecture. If we were to take a look into the most popular tourist attraction in the Caribbean then this would definitely include the Barbados; a small island also called as little England during the British era. It is called so, because it still contains a part of the thriving British legacy, cricket, Anglo Saxon activity and high tea. We have Antigua Barbuda that has more than 356 beaches (representing one for every year). This too is another popular tourist attraction. Then there is Guyana which is a one of the independent members in the Caribbean. It is also known for its beaches and countless rivers and lakes. The best side to it is that gold deposits and diamonds can be found at the river bottoms and hillsides. This place is popular for yachting and sailing. Another beautiful island is ST Lucida. This island is known for its mountains that are covered with forests and the wildlife in it. Such other marvelous sites in the Caribbeans are St Martin, Trinidad, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands and much more. Situated in the Caribbean Sea is the Roatan Honduras Island that has brought the economy a constant dramatic increase due to the scuba diving fans. This place offers its visitors everything, ranging from marine wildlife to scuba lessons and even certification. It is know for its coral which is very diverse and can be seen easily. Here, tourism is well developed, hotels are well equipped and the resorts are numerous. This place is even called the Caribbeans best kept secret. It is no doubt one of the most beautiful sites and experiences to have. According to Gmelch, George (Behind the Smile: the Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 2003), the Caribbean governments welcome tourists with warm hearts because they realized that the Caribbean economy is completely dependant on tourism, also being referred to as the engine of their growth. Economic development in the Caribbean has benefited merchants, farmers, fishermen and many more. According to Pattullo, Polly. (Last Resorts: the Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean. London: Cassell, 1996), Tourism is a huge contributor to the economies of all Caribbean countries and the biggest contributor to many of them such as Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas and the Virgin Islands Yolande Wilson MBA 08 In the Caribbean Tourism Fueled by Hotel Development: The Good and the Bad, explains that the success of Caribbean tourism is probably because people have the thoughts of aqua blue waters, warm sand beaches and luxury images on their minds. It is these precise thoughts that play a large role in the tourism business in the Caribbean. This puts all the focus on the tourism companies, services industries and real estate development. Tourism in the Caribbean is as early as 1862 where Jamaica had health spas and cruises that ran to the island but now, the tourism industries in the Caribbean estimates an anticipated contribution of over 18.7 billion dollars by 2011. Another author named C. James Hospedales wrote about the importance of tourism to Caribbean development in (Healthy Tourism in the Caribbean) Saturday, 22nd September 2007. He explained that 25 billion dollars were the gross output in the Caribbean tourism with more than 12 million tourists arriving for stay in the Caribbean and more than 6 million cruise ships. Hotels were completely booked and tourism became very important to the Caribbean economy. Tourism in the Caribbean is even compared to oil in the Middle East. They have also made it a motto Caribbean development through quality tourism which made it clear that the economy will be completely dependant on tourism for the coming years. With the arrival of the internet on 1995 which made it possible to spread the word of all the good and bad news. It was an effective tool in informing the world about this ravishing country. There was also the European tour operators whom made it easy for the tourists to get to the Caribbean from the European countries. However, with the success of increasing arrivals of tourists that helped boost the countrys economy, it also brought in the possibility of diseases being imported from different parts of the world. Yet this did not stop the Caribbean tourism organization from making sure that such issues along with injuries are minimized to its lowest. Their vision was that the Caribbean to be the safest, happiest, and healthiest of comparable destinations in the world Its obvious that tourism has affected the economy of the Caribbean region. These effects are mainly due to the travel and tourism industries. Through Paul McDaniels point of view, an eHow contributing writer in The effects of Tourism in the Caribbean, the economy was affected both positively and negatively. From these effects, wed notice that it includes the Caribbeans utmost and complete reliance on tourism and travel industries. But because, most of these tourism companies are never usually based in a particular Caribbean island, much of the money made does not stay on the Caribbean. This may also appear as a disadvantage for the Caribbean. However, without the competing companies, the economy could also be highly affected. However, David Jessop wrote about Grasping the full economic impact of Caribbean tourism Sunday | September 23, 2007 and questioned if the governments truly understood the importance of tourism, which in his words is the industry that now underwrites the regional economy. He provided reports that were produced over the last 2 years that explained the positive impact tourism had on the economy. These reports were based on the studies produced, supported and encouraged by the Caribbean tourism organization and Caribbean hotel association. It was a clear demonstration to the government that tourism has become the dominant force in the Caribbean. In these reports, the Caribbean tourism is expected to get over 56.1 billion dollars economically with about 15% increase in tourism employment from 2007 to 2017. Basically these earnings are expected to grow over 3 percent per year. Therefore, from these readings its pretty clear that the Caribbean region is economically dependent on the touris m industry. However, if these industries do not remain competitive, then the economic boost could come to an end. The problems that face the Caribbean tourism industry are those of globalization as well as interdependence. Therefore the beauty and nature of the country will not be enough to make the regions case. It requires the government to play a role in supporting it to the fullest. Whether its decreasing the taxes, providing public health education or even changing the policies to fit the countrys increasing economy. In a pacific islands report written by Sir Ronald Sanders in the Benefits of Caribbean tourism must be shared, he wrote about another problem that could affect the tourism industry in the Caribbean which is surprisingly the racial division notion in the island. This existing problem causes constant discomfort among many hotel owners that are expatriates, managers and the citizens yet they dare not deal with it. These problems are being left depressed like the racial division between the ownership on one side and the workers on the other. This problem is expected to worsen in the future if not dealt with now. Given the growing size of tourists coming into the country every year, it would keep requiring a large size of financial investments for the resorts and hotels in the Caribbean. These investments are primarily funded by the white expatriates that own tourism companies and can build or own resorts and any other tourism aspects in the business. This may seem as a problem because th e profits in this case are sent abroad. The country does not benefit and the balance is disturbed. In an abstract written by Harry G. Matthews, 6 May 2009 Radicals and third world tourism: A Caribbean focus, he talks about the metropolitan tourism in third world countries that have brought to question the tourist industries in a more political and social way. He talks about how it could affect the country and in this case, the Caribbean. He believes that tourism is an intrusion which is of metropolitan type, developed by the white people into the world of non-white. He also believes that these are merely fantasies sold to the tourists, causing the rise of cultures in countries like the Caribbean. Therefore the solution lies with the government of these countries where they are trying to bring forth an increase in sophistication. However, it is uncertain of how this action would actually take place. A critique; Tom Womeldorff analyzes the Caribbean tourism in an interesting way in Caribbean tourism: A Critical analysis 10/14/2009. He writes about the western mentality of escaping to tropical islands with exotic animals, plants and warm sunsets. This fantasy is offered by the Caribbean tourism resorts and travel agencies that aim to fulfill the western dream. And recently, the market has included the catering of tourists whom want to experience the exotic island to the fullest. These tourism agencies are expanding to provide whatever desires that could have tourist dollars following it. Therefore these tourist industries carefully construct the hotels and resorts to meet the conceptions and needs of tourists. This perception to perfection however comes with a cost. Although it provides as a source of income to the Caribbean people, it has made them completely commoditized because it requires that they put all their focus in the tourism programme, to make every thing possible. In The state and tourism: a Caribbean perspective by Hilton McDavid, Diaram Ramajeesingh, the abstract mentions an important something to think about and its how the tourism industries are now the center of attention. This is because the country is now tourism dependant. But does the government do what it takes to make sure that the social and environmental needs are taken care off? In this journal, the writers believe that the government have to work harder in order to shape the tourism industries in a way that every sector in the Caribbean benefits. The Stabroek staff  | February 5, 2010 in  Business the Caribbean tourism industry raise an important question Will the 2009 nightmare push regional tourist destinations towards diversification. It is true that the Caribbean got caught up in the economic crisis that took away jobs, homes, savings and much more. The Caribbean people were beginning to wonder if they have to shift towards diversification for their economic incomes. The number of tourists drastically changed and Caribbean development bank activities showed a significant decline. Sharply declining tourist arrivals according to the CDB with other investments, the main transmission channels of the crisis to regional economies. However it appears that the Caribbean has settled down from all the economic problems and found its comfort zone where its reassured that the tourists will keep coming in. the CDG even reports that the growth is expected to return and is likely to become the same by 2011. Although the whole economy of the country, peoples jobs and welfare cannot wait till the crises associated with the whole world is recovered, diversification for a better economy should be considered. In Caribbean tourism looking toward an improvement in 2010 by Linda Hutchinson-Jafar, Jan 28, 2010, after the economic crises that effected the countrys economy due to the decline in tourists rate, the Caribbean tourism industry began improving despite criminal and tax problems in some of the islands. And the earthquake that hit Haiti did not affect the islands economy much. Chastanet said, during and annual event in the Caribbean We will probably end the year 5.6 percent down but were looking for a strong rebound in 2010 And a hotel owner Rene Seepersadsingh The economic situation globally impacted negatively on Tobago. Hotels reported as much as a 40 percent decline in stayover, particularly from the British and the German markets As for Jamaica, it was seeing a 4% increase in arrivals while the other islands were reporting a decline in 2009. This is probably because it was running ads on television across North America, tempting them to join the warm summers. They were very successful with their ads as Barlett who works at the airlines said For this winter season now beginning, we have a record 1 million (airline) seats which is the largest number we ever had. The unusual part is that Jamaica continues to attract tourists even though it is categorized as one of the most violent countries in the world. The murder and crimes rates were 1,680 last year alone. Barlett believes that Its a contradiction. The most iconic attraction in Jamaica is the people. It belies the crime statistics Finally the most spoke about topic in the Caribbean tourism is HARPOONING CARIBBEAN TOURISM: SWALLOWING A DEAD RAT by Sir Ronald Sanders Sunday, March 14, 2010. The new attractions that require full support by the Caribbean governments are the whale watching activities. There was an international meeting held in Martinique from February 18 to 21 on what they call Sustainable Blue tourism in the Caribbean, specifically urging the Caribbean government to not only support this attraction but to protect the marine wildlife and mammal population by providing sustainable jobs to the fishermen. This new attraction is bound too boost the economy situation and the exotic fantasies keep getting better. Thus the Caribbean keeps finding ways to attract tourists and its economy although highly dependant on tourism yet, very rich.