Monday, December 23, 2019

Team Leaders Should Change Positive Norms Essay - 1608 Words

Tips Tip 1: Tip 1: As you are building teams, think about the skills of each individual team member to assure each member will add to the whole. Teams do not need 15 people with the same skills. They need 15 people who will add to the team to achieve the goal. Tip 2: Team leaders should change negative norms into positive norms. Working in a positive environment will increase team moral and promote team cohesion. Tip 3: It is critical for leaders to clearly communicate team norms and not assume that people know what the norms should be. This is especially true in a virtual environment where cultural norms may make people look at things in a very different way. What is a norm in New York may not be a norm in China. Tip 4: Leaders should prove effective feedback to their teams and allow ample time to adjust to norms. Team Norms Introduction Team norms are the processes that team members utilize to guide their interactions with one another. Every team is unique, therefore each team develops their own characteristics to help govern behaviors, make decisions and assign tasks (Heathfield, 2016). How effective a team set their foundation is a critical to the success of the team. Without established norms, team members can become disruptive, confused, and unengaged, thus leaving the team in a state of discord (Heathfield, 2016). Team norms may evolve and change over time. However, effective communication among leaders and team members will ensure that suchShow MoreRelatedCommunication Norms And Five Task Norms Essay1417 Words   |  6 PagesNorms Introduction All teams should strive to develop team norms, as norms help teams to build cohesion and strong team relationships (Richards, 2016). As with any relationship, effective communication is the key. Without it relationships fail. Communication within groups or teams will only be as effective as their team leader. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Job Fair Brochure Free Essays

Job Fair Brochure This discussion will describe the structure, business model, and culture of a selected business. There will be a justification for why each element was selected, and an explanation of how each choice of elements will impact the chosen business. A business model is like any other model; it represents and summarizes how whole businesses do business. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fair Brochure or any similar topic only for you Order Now The business model explains, in summary, the fundamental nature of the business and how the business makes money, without having to share complexities of strategies, â€Å"processes, units, rules, hierarchies, workflows, and systems† (Business Model Designs and Innovation, 2005, p. ). For example, the business that is chosen is a Geriatric Health Club and Daycare. The company makes money by offering wellness and exercise services to senior citizens all over the Merrillville community; for a reasonable amount of money. The fundamental nature of the club is to encourage the elderly, ages 55 and older, to continue to live a healthier and active life, by offering leisure activities, social interaction with their peers, nutrition education, and exercise (Business Model Designs, and Innovation, 2005). The business model was chosen because research, indicates that â€Å"High-intensity resistance exercise training is a feasible and effective means of counteracting muscle weakness and physical frailty in very elderly people. In contrast, multinutrient supplementation without concomitant exercise does not reduce muscle weakness or physical frailty† (Clements, Evans, Fiatarone, Kehayias, Lipsit, Nelson, O’Neill Roberts, Ryan, and Solares, 2009, 1769). The impact of this business model helps the company to function and guide the company in a productive direction. The business model helps the company to stay profitable by catering to a fast increasing age group. â€Å"The business structure is the type of legal entity that exists to contract to perform licensed work. Examples of legal entities are individual/sole proprietors, corporations, limited liability companies (LLC), partnerships, limited partnerships (LP), and limited liability partnerships (LLP)† are examples of business structures (Minnesota Department of Labor, and Industry, n. d, p. 1). The structure of the Geriatric Health Club and Daycare is a partnership. A partnership is a business agreement between two or more people, with an understanding of making a profit (NSW Small Business, 2001). The geriatric health club and daycare operates under a registered business name. The business name the club operates under is Transitions Senior Health Club and Daycare. The reason a partnership was chosen is because liabilities can be shared (NSW Small Business, 2001). A functional structure is for the staff. The CNAs works directly with customers, RNs oversees the CNAs, trainers, therapist, and assist the Medical doctor. The partnership structure impacts the club by the sharing of liabilities and increased financial investments and the sharing of responsibilities. The functional structure brings order with the staff and creates a harmonious working environment (NSW Small Business, 2001). â€Å"The business culture is the way your organization operates, the customs, attitudes; etiquette and etc. † (Answer, 2007, p. 1). For example, Transitions will use â€Å"The Plane tree’s approach, which is holistic and encourages healing in all dimensions; mental, emotional, spiritual, social and physical† (Axia College of University of Phoenix 2008, p194). The Plane tree’s approach maximizes the outcomes of healthcare by combining â€Å"harmonizing medical therapies, such as mind and body medicine, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, yoga, and energy therapies with conventional medical therapies†(Axia College, 2009, p. 194). The medical staff is well trained, board certified, and licensed by the state. The trainers are certified in yoga, low impact exercises, and small weights. The instructors are RNs with bachelor’s degrees; a Medical Doctor and a certified massage therapist, will be on staff. The staff is given two weeks of vacation and health benefits. They are also given incentive awards for out standing work. The impact that this business culture will have on Transitions is a healthy, safe and serene environment. The customers will be encouraged to reach their wellness goals and lead a longer and active life. Reference Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2009). Job fair brochure. Retrieved August 30, 2009, aXcess BUS 210________Foundations of Business Course Website. This is not a properly formatted reference listing for the textbook for this course. Your citation to this source is incorrect as well for this reason. Answers. (2007). What is business culture? Retrieved August 27, 2009, from http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080209153352AADUsZS Business Model Designs and Innovation. (2005). But What Actually is a Business Model? Retrieved August 27, 2009, from http://www. ask. com/web? qsrc=2417=01=dir=what+is+a+business+modle= Clements, K. M. , Evans, W. J. , Fiatarone, M. A. , Kehayias, J. J. , Lipsitz, L. A. , Nelson, M. E. , O’Neill, E. F. , Roberts, S. B. , Ryan, N. D, and Solares, G. R. (2009). Exercise training and nutritional supplementation for physical frailty in very elderly people. The New England Journal of Medicine. 330(25) 1769-1775. Retrieved August 30, 2009, from http://content. nejm. org/cgi/content/abstract/330/25/1769 How to cite Job Fair Brochure, Papers Job Fair Brochure Free Essays Job Fair Brochure Shawntaya Lewis BUS/210 February 10, 2013 Ms. Ella Noflin TAYA’S CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Functional and Geographic structure Being an employee at Taya’s child development center means everyone will work together to meet the need of the parent and children in the neighborhood. Teachers will provide high quality care. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fair Brochure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers will have experience and education in early childhood education. Business Model Our company is dedicated to meet each child indivual needs. We cater to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We will help guide the children through social emotional, sensory, and congnitive skills. We offer full time and part time quailty care. Organizational Culture Our company culture values employees who are motivated, energetic, creative, and dedicated. We will have weekly meetings to gather creative ideas to create fun learning experiences for the children. We value input that leads to growth. Employees must be trustworthy, team players, and have strong communication skills. Taya’s child development center is set up within functional and geographic structure. Our functunal structure focus on our employees working together because of their expertise to meet the childrens needs. We have a director, assisant director, lead teachers, assistant teachers, and teachers aids that work together. Our geographic structure focus on to make sure we are meeting the need of the community. We are dedicated to serve the children in our neghborhood. We are a full time service child development center. I selected functional structures because in order to run a child development center I need experience and educated teacher to work together to provide high quality child care. Employees grouped together because they have the same expertise of the same jobs, so they can easily communicate and share information with each other. They can often make decisions quickly and effectively by working together. â€Å"A functional structure also makes it easier for people to learn from one another’s experiences and improve their skills† (Jones, 2007). I also selected geographic structures because we have to make sure we are providing care for the need of the neighborhood. I think functional and geographic structures will help to build and strong business. I would have a Sole proprietorship child development center. I will operate a daycare center business in my name. I will be the only owner and I will hirer qualified teachers to help me run my child development center. My company is dedicated to serve the children and parents need in our community. We will meet the needs of each child indiviually. We will cater to infants, toddlers, and perschoolers in our community. We will help nuture and guide the children through social emotional, sensory and congnitive skills. We will provide fun learning experience for each age group of children. We will offer full time and part time care to meet the needs of our families in the community. We will offer music, yoga, and spanish enrichment learning classes. My business will help the children and parents in the community. I have selected organizational culture for my company values and norms that influence how people and groups behave and interact with one another. I want to create a happy and fun enivornment for my staff , parents, and children. My company culture values employees who are motivated, energtic, creative, and dedicated. We will have weekly team meetings to gather creative ideas to create fun learning experiences for the children. We value input that leads to growth. Employees must be trustworthy, team players, and have strong communication skills. The values I want my company to develop are excellence, stability, predictability, profitability, economy, creativeness, morality, and usefulness. â€Å"Company norms specify or prescribe the kinds of shared beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that a firm’s members should hold and follow. Norms are informal but powerful rules about how employees should conduct themselves if they want to be accepted and successful† (Jones, 2007). Organizational culture will allow my staff interact with one another and create a fun learning experience for the children and each other. It will also allow us to work in a fun loving environment. References Jones, G. R. 2007). Introduction to business: How companies create value for people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I  certify that  the attached  paper is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity . I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed  on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student’s  signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Shawntaya Lewis How to cite Job Fair Brochure, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Description of a person that I admire Marie Curie free essay sample

One of the people I really admire is a Polish physicist and chemist woman, full of courage and determination to investigate radioactivity. My admiration is not only for her talent but also for the fact that during the 19th Century, not many people could think about a woman changing millions of lives with her full-time studies, especially if she came from a poor family. That is the reason why Marie Curies generosity deserves our grateful thanks. Since she was a child, Marie Curie knew that the greatest desire of her life was becoming a physic and chemist as her father was. He was the one in charge of her daughter’s education due to Marie’s mother’s death. Most of the things she learnt were taught by her father, but when Marie had the age to go to University she started to work as a governess to be able to pay her travel to Paris where women could study. We will write a custom essay sample on Description of a person that I admire: Marie Curie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Marie earned the money to go to France where she studied at Soborne University and lived from hand to mouth. Sometimes she fainted during classes because she didn’t eat well, but her passion and love for learning was so big that nothing could stop her. Another thing that made her studies at France difficult was her rusty French, but Marie’s tolerance helped her to overcome all of those situations because she knew what she wanted. While she was studying at University she met Pier Curie, who she married and raised a family with. Together, they developed the studying of radioactivity and shared with Henri Becquerel their Nobel Prize in Physics. After that Marie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It is amazing how much strength she had to overcome her social condition to study and research radioactivity up to give her own life due to all of the years of exposure that made her developed cancer and died. At present, after 79 years from Marie’s death, I consider her as a hero for her discoveries and especially for her example of bravery and loyalty to her goals which are still saving lives in every hospital.